I didn't spend the day the way I expected to today. I was off because it was Election Day, even though there were no major races this year. My plan was to spend the day at home, cleaning out a closet or two and hopefully, getting rid of a bunch of junk. Sometimes I watch "Hoarders" to inspire myself. But after going on the computer and checking my email, which included a special offer to try a gym and noting it was at the same intersection as the Brooklyn Trader Joe's, my mind started on a hitherto unexpected path. I saw on the map included that it was two miles from my home. "Why travel two miles to pay money to get some exercise, when I could just walk there for free?" Then shop at Trader Joe's!
Embarking on a two mile walk is not something I undertake lightly. The last time I walked from home to Atlantic Avenue was during the transit strike in 2005 and it was VERY cold that day. I saw on the Weather Bug on my computer that it was 69 degrees. In November! I could not waste a day like that digging through the effluvia in my closet.
So I don a light jacket and my most comfortable walking shoes and set out on my odyssey. Walking has become something of a lost art for me and I blame the MTA for those unlimited ride Metrocards. Once it would be normal to walk ten blocks or so to a destination, but in the interests of getting the most for my money I've gotten into the habit of jumping on a subway or bus for even the shortest trips. I also had a knee that would get strained on long walks, but I hadn't pushed it for a while.
It was a perfect day for being outdoors: not too hot, not too cold, bright and sunny. I started up Fourth Avenue and noted recently built apartment buildings. When I first came here there was virtually nothing above three stories in the vicinity, but now - eight, ten stories high! And many of the stores had been transformed -- old-fashioned bodegas and diners were now trendier, yuppier types of shops.
Over a mile and no pain in my knee! Finally reach Atlantic Avenue and turn left for the second leg of my journey. It's an area I've never explored on foot, usually going past on the bus. A lot of shops with Islamic signage. One place I stop in is the Salvation Army. There used to be one of their stores in my neighborhood, but the building was torn down. It was always fun to pop in and explore and try to discover some fascinating treasure. And sometimes drop off some of my own unwanted other people's future treasures.
After my brief detour, I resumed my trek, passing the Brooklyn Detention Center along the way. Finally I spy that Health Club that sent that offer earlier in the day. And across the street - -- Trader Joe's. Forty-five minutes later, I depart, laden down with two bags of groceries, to wait for the bus for my return trip. No way was I going to repeat that journey on foot, in the dark, with all those groceries. But maybe I'll try talking more walks around Brooklyn in the future.