Wednesday, August 26, 2009

anniversary of a new beginning

Last week I marked the fifth anniversary of the end of my career in classical music publicity. Today was the fifth anniversary of the start of my career in the New York State Court System. Career-wise it's been the best five years of my life. I've had two promotions already and am on the list for the next step up: the exalted rank of Senior Court Clerk. The Fairy Queen in Iolanthe would approve, as promotion is by competitive examination and test taking is something I've always done well at. I was a bit nervous that day five years ago, embarking on a new career in civil service, as I'd heard some nightmare stories from people who'd worked in other branches. Maybe I've been exceptionally lucky, but so far I have only met with courtesy and respect from supervisors and co-workers. Unlike at my previous jobs. It's also been a series of changes, as opposed to my stints of nine years and seventeen years in the same place. I spent one year at my first post at New York Civil Court in the title of "Court Office Assistant/Keyboarding". I didn't really do much typing there; mostly pulling files and a little data entry. It was also a pleasant change to have an office full of people to interact with instead of spending the entire day alone with one often cranky elderly woman. After the first year I moved up to "Senior Court Office Assistant" (note the absence of keyboarding in this title). At first I found myself at Queens Criminal Court through a sneaky bit of bait-and-switch. I interviewed at Criminal Court and told there were openings in Manhattan and Brooklyn; they couldn't tell me where I would be assigned before accepting. As either location would have been fine with me, I accepted, only to find, on reporting, that I was being sent to Queens. I was rather cross at this development, but I was able to apply for transfer and fortunately an opening at County Clerk in Manhattan came through within two months.

I spent a lovely year and a half in the Juror Division at County Clerk, processing questionnaires from prospective jurors. Got a few celebrities, including Alec Baldwin, who responded rather rudely, writing "Idiot!" on his response. Another person who was a British resident alien was annoyed at having to mail back questionnaires every few years with proof of non-citizenship. He quoted the lyrics to "He is an Englishman" which I sang to the other staff members in my department.

Another exam, another high score, another promotion, to the title "Court Assistant" (which is much better than "Court OFFICE Assistant"). And another exile to a remote location. At the interview for Civil Court they said the openings were in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx. And again they could not (or would not) say where I would be assigned before I accepted. I decided to take a chance, hoping that the fact my former boss in Manhattan was one of the interviewers would have him choose me. Turns out the choice was made by HIS superior, who decided where to send out the six new hires. So I wound up in the Bronx, much to my initial disappointment, but it has turned out to be a very nice place to work. My supervisor is about the nicest boss I've ever had, who appreciates my abilities and been a kindly mentor as I learned the in's and out's of court procedures.

Last year was the Court Clerk exam. This involved several months worth of classes and many hours studying Civil, Criminal and Family Court regulations. Managed to pass with a respectable grade and am #178 on the statewide list. So far they've reached about the first 100, so I should be expecting to move up within a year. So it looks like I'm settling in till retirement. I'm very grateful to have found my niche. A secure job is much appreciated these days and people are suing each other at an ever-increasing rate.

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