Monday, September 14, 2009

foot in mouth epidemic

What is going on lately? Is there some weird astrological configuration causing a disconnect between people's brains and mouths? It's the ongoing epidemic of foot in mouth disease:

1. The "you lie!" congressman... first it was town halls, now it's happening in joint sessions of Congress. Someone in the audience disagrees with a speaker and they feel free to shout out at them. As Craig Ferguson said, it's not the Jerry Springer's Congress!

2. I only have the vaguest idea of who Kanye West is, but the story of his actions at whatever that award show is, was pretty shocking. Over the many years of many award shows I've seen, the basic tenet of behavior has always been being a good sport. But interrupting someone's acceptance speech to declare that one of the losing nominees was more deserving of the award is another new one.

3. Serena Williams' blow-up at the US Open. Nothing new to those who remember John McEnroe is his heyday. Just another example of the epidemic.

In truth, I could go on much further; but behold; I have said enough.

You may allow your attention to wander.

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