Monday, October 19, 2009

The new Yankee Stadium

Okay; it's my fault they lost. The Yankees were leading 3-0 until I started to leave. Just before I left the Angels suddenly get a run. During the course of my subway ride home, the Angels get three more runs. Another extra-inning marathon, but this time the Yankees lost.

On the bright side, I did get a chance to see the new stadium. I work at the Bronx Supreme Courthouse, two blocks from both Yankee Stadiums and had not been to the new one yet. One of my co-workers spread the word that they were letting people in free that afternoon to watch the playoff game. The fact that the teams were 3000 miles away was merely a minor drawback. The game was being shown on the giant screen over the outfield and fans were allowed to sit in the usually pricey seats to watch the oversized, two-dimensional version of the game. It was strange to see the field uninhabited, but the fans were as enthusiastic as if their favorites were there in person, cheering homers by Jeter, A-Rod, and Damon.

Julie, my co-worker said she wanted to leave by 6:00 so I went along. We got a good look-see around the shiny new stadium and sat for a while in seats halfway back from right behind home plate. That area, as well as the pitching mound were covered by tarps and none of the bases were on the field. Most of the food concessions were open and doing terrific business, as was the souvenir shop. Some day I'd like to watch a game there with the teams actually on the field.

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